Saturday, July 20, 2024


Very few people of African heritage ever traveled through either gate from Earth to Exura. This is not to say none did; we have mentioned Henry Wise, an African-American sailor who arrived with the crew of The Double-Lucky. It is possible others passed through the gate in the South Pacific as he did. The Ural Gate seems less likely but a soldier or traveler (or even slave) of African origin could have found their way there.

This is not to say people of dark skin did not reach Exura. Indeed, quite a few found their ways through both gates, though the two groups were not at all closely related to each other. Ice-age ‘moderns’ did make their way to the Urals and hence to the isle of Nagi in Exura, becoming an important component of the early population there and spreading throughout the world. These would have been folk dark of skin, though not ‘black,’ and frequently light of eye.

The Pacific Gate is quite another matter. Papuans, indigenous Australians, and related populations were almost certainly the first humans to venture out far enough into the ocean to be drawn through the gate. Chances are most of those early travelers were lost individuals who wandered unintentionally into the area. They were followed by Melanesians, who were excellent sailors and folk who voyaged far and confidently. There are definitely lots of Melanesian genes floating about Exura.

It may also be noted that there is an obvious element of indigenous Australian heritage and genetics in Hurasu’s valley, though mixed with that of other ethnic groups. The Baxac folk have more of a Melanesian background, and some elements of Papuan culture. That is certainly noticeable in their gods.

Yet the blond hair that pops up in the Melanesian population of our world is uncommon among the Baxac people. Not so in Hurasu’s valley of the Tez. None of this is, perhaps, unexpected when we recognize that these were very small groups that passed through the Pacific Gate—relatively sparse gene pools that gave rise to isolated populations in Exura, as they scattered across the seas of a new world.

It is just possible a few members of the proto-Australoid population did wander as far north as the Urals as they migrated eastward through the Middle East and India. If so, their heritage was absorbed into that of other arrivals in Nagi.

We speak of Lady Fachalana (of the ‘Destiny’ novels) being dark—for a Sharshite—and of the Lorjam origin of her grandfather. This would be essentially a Baxac heritage, Austronesian, not African.

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